Bro. Joshua T. Sunny
The Holy Writ wrote it down for generations unborn to come and appreciate God Almighty, The Father and Creator of all things and how creation came to be. It is written, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water” (Gen. 1: 1-2). No doubt, this was the raw state of all things called “creation” today. But with the imperative and creative spoken word, “LET”, everything including mankind took shape and came into existence the way we meet and see it, although man, in the name of exploration and discovery aided by science and technology have altered the originality of all things. Not just that, God appreciated His works or creation to be “very good”. This implies that ab initio, everything was made very good; and note very importantly too that everything was made from the words proceeding out of God Almighty, The Father of creation (Gen. 1: 3-31).
The word being the origin of everything is further emphasized in John 1: 1-5. The word, in fact, is the only weapon of God for war, judgment and everything as also enumerated in the scripture that says, “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war… And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of God Almighty” (Rev. 19: 11, 14). Yet everything created including the world was very good; but then, what is responsible for the precarious and evil state of things in the world we witness today?
Responding to the implication of verbal words, Great Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, The Holy Spirit of Truth Personate taught and advised in the Everlasting Gospel titled, “The Spoken Word” thus; “What is responsible for the downfall and destruction of the whole world? It is evil communication. What the world refers to as juju, apparition, witchcraft, death and ghost is none other than evil communication. All the superstitious beliefs and fetishism are found on evil words. Who is the creator of these evil things? It is the evil man himself… If everyone should from now cease to speak evil, evil will also cease to work… The real meaning of Satan is evil communication or vain words which do not give glory to God” (EG 1, 65: 3-4, 7, 9). Continuing, He said, “The word is God. Right from the beginning, the word had been with God. Everything that exists is a manifestation of the word. Whether it is death or life, prosperity or lack, peace or war, good health or sickness, good or evil and even man, all are the manifestation of the spoken word… Good words constitute The Holy Spirit while evil words are evil spirit. Good words represent God while evil words represent Satan. So long as you continue to speak good words, you identify with God and all good things will follow you” (EG 1, 65: 62-63, 170-171).
Deducing from the above seeming short but in-depth supernatural lesson, it is obvious that man is the inventor of evil in the world, therefore endangering himself and his habitat, the earth, through the misuse of words – curses and abuses. Obviously, the evil words man uses come back to him as boomerang; hence the problem of the world we are in. This accounts also for the reason why God does not joke with words; but on the contrary, man does a lot; and to nature, there is no distinction between joke and seriousness in the use of words: they are just the same as long as they are uttered. At this point, let us reflect on a few of the consequences of the misuse of words, hence the messing up of individuals, families, communities, the society and the world at large.
After creation, God commanded man to eat of every tree except that of knowledge of good and evil, because if that happens, man “shalt surely die”; and when out of disobedience that happened, God placed curses on the players, thereby bringing about the beginning of pain, sorrow, suffering and death on earth (Gen. 2: 16-17, 3: 6-24). Note that it was just the spoken word which at the ripe time manifested fully. As if that was not enough, Patriarch Esau not taking it seriously, with the mouth gave his birthright as the elder son to Patriarch Isaac, gave his rightful position spiritually and physically to the younger brother, Jacob. This laid the foundation for his blessings from the father, Patriarch Isaac, made easily to go to the younger son – the very reason for the suffering of the black race and serving the white race over the generations.
Again, Jacob later named Israel, before his passing on gathered his twelve sons and blessed nine, while three of them: Reuben, Levi and Simeon were cursed without forgiveness from their father for offences they committed against him earlier. What about nowadays? Have parents desisted from placing curses on their children, especially those who caused them pain, were disobedient and brought shame to them? What about between siblings, friends, husbands and wives, families, communities, institutions, nations and even the religious bodies, etc.? Chiefly because of the absence of love, mercy, forgiveness, patience, tolerance and compassion, there is geometrical increase in the practice of the mosaic ‘tooth for tat’ law, and of course, crime. Doubtless that these and more are responsible for the hell of confusion and problems bedevilling our world of which all postulations, theories and systems have failed mankind; forgetful of the fact that the problem is more spiritual than the physical we can behold as humans. It is even worsened when the supposed light and hope of mankind, religion including the Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and the rest and their holy places – churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and shrines that could have raised man’s spiritual consciousness have fallen completely for material things and worldly quick recompense. Resultantly, the light of the world is quenched and darkness completely enveloped mankind and the world. No wonder, our world is at a quagmire cum impasse in dire need of a Messiah to lead them rightly out of the mess and confusion.
Although the scriptures are here, yet they are too deep and spiritual and not easy for mankind to understand the real meanings; hence our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus The Christ’s promise of another Comforter, The Holy Spirit of Truth who has the responsibility of teaching man all that he needs to know to once again live a blissful lifestyle on earth. This generation being lucky enough has Him today on earth, personified as HOLY FATHER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU – The Ancient of Days and The Supernatural Teacher; and He has been teaching mankind and revealed too many unbelievable mysteries for an hitch-free living, salvation and everlasting life.
In addition to what the Holy Bible says about words, Holy Father Olumba Olumba Obu, The Heavenly Father has taught that, “The word is The Father and The Creator of everything… The word is the Spirit; it is life, God and power…” (EG 1, 65: 81, 90) and advised and advocated that to turn our world round for good, then we must be recircumcised from our minds, that is, doing away and associating with evil words; instead to always and only think, speak and be associated with good, positive and edifying words, for that is the sure and only way to recreate our world for good. By so doing, The Holy Spirit will takeover, transform and recreate our world for a paradisiac living on earth once again.
To activate this renewal of the world, as The Exemplary Teacher He is, Great Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe refers mankind back to the words of God which are edifying; and He always uses the Everlasting Gospels to reconstruct and sanctify us: soul, spirit and body. The words of God, which He said take not just the form of gospels, but also testimonies, songs, visions, dreams, prophecies, prayers and pronouncements, because all edify and give glory to God Almighty.
We equally know and are witnesses to the obvious fact that no matter the gravity of offence someone commits, The Holy Father never gets annoyed as to lay any evil word or curse on the person. The same lifestyle He has encouraged all mankind, especially BCS members to showcase in our relating with fellow humans: children, spouses, parents, relatives, friends, etc. wherever – in our homes, market and business places, offices, schools, etc. No doubt that by so doing, the same persons will over time imbibe same show of love and lifestyle to also influence those with and around them. With such positive speaking, gradually crimes, wars, strifes and the like will die naturally and give way for good and peaceful living once again.